Railroad Companies |
Transportation, Railroads, Persons, Seasons, Winter |
Mineral Range Railroad at Highway. Engine #7 [A group of children stand on top of a large snowbank next to a railroad crossing sign. Smoke billows out of engine stack while men stand near the train.]
Scanned: October 17, 2006 |

Railroad Companies |
Transportation, Railroads, Persons, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress |
Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Railroad Engine #107 [Men, women, children and dogs gather around the passenger train.]
Scanned: October 17, 2006 |

Railroad Companies |
Transportation, Railroads, Accidents, Persons |
Mineral Range Engine #71 over on its side. [Men and boys gather to have a look at the toppled over engine.]
Scanned: October 17, 2006 |

Railroads - Companies |
Transportation, Railroads, Railroad Companies, Railroads, Cars |
Mineral Range Railroad Engine [Engine bears the #6. Conductors peek out of the passenger car doors.]
Scanned: October 18, 2006 |

Railroads - Companies |
Transportation, Railroads, Railroad Companies, Railroads, Cars |
Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic - DSS&A Engine #104 at Ontonagon [Two buildings in the background have signs stating "New Ontonagon and State Bank". A man dressed in a suit stands on the engine. The train hauls several passenger cars.]
Scanned: October 18, 2006 |

Railroads - Companies |
Transportation, Railroads, Railroad Companies, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress |
Keweenaw Central? at Crestview? Engine #20? [Several people greet the train at the depot. American flags fly atop the building.]
Scanned: October 18, 2006 |

Railroads - Companies |
Transportation, Railroads, Railroad Companies, Seasons, Winter |
Hancock & Calumet Railroad. Men stand next to the engine which has a snow plow attached. What appears to be a set of antlers is attached to the light of the engine.]
Scanned: October 18, 2006 |

Railroads - Streetcars |
Transportation, Railroads, Street, Railroads, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress, Local Transit, Street, Railroads |
Streetcars [One of the cars bears the sign Wolverine. Another car has a advertisement for "Hockey! Pittsburg vs Portage Lake, 2 games at the Palace Ice Rink, Monday and Tuesday, March 10 and 11" ]
Scanned: October 18, 2006 |

Railroads - Companies |
Railroad Companies, Railroads, Buildings and Structures, Railroad Stations, Persons |
Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic DSS&A Engine #110 and train at Houghton. [Several people are gathered around the train. A man that appears to be the engineer stands next to the engine.]
Scanned: October 18, 2006 |

Railroads - Companies |
Railroad Companies, Seasons, Winter, Persons |
Mineral Range Railroad - Legislative Body, Mineral Range Lake Linden [Group of men stand in the snow bank next to the engine which has a snow plow attached.]
Scanned: October 18, 2006 |