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Agriculture, Persons, Buildings, Farm Buildings Exhibits at Houghton County Potato Show [Neatly arranged piles of potatos are displayed on tables with white tablecloths.]

Scanned: June 26, 2007


Agriculture, Persons, Buildings, Farm Buildings This Chippewa Field Yielded 407 Bushels per Acre. [Two men stand in a field of potato plants. One of the men is wearing a tie.]

Scanned: June 26, 2007


Agriculture, Persons, Modern Type Potato Sprayer. [A man drives a tractor through the field with the sprayer attached.]

Scanned: June 26, 2007


Agriculture, Persons, Hootman talks strawberries. [A man wearing a tie stands in a field surrounded by a group of men.]

Scanned: June 26, 2007


Agriculture, Manpower, Labor, Buildings, Farm Buildings, Barns Potato Disease Control Meeting [Several men meet in the potato field. Two of the men sit among the plants.]

Scanned: June 26, 2007


Agriculture, Manpower, Labor, Woody Plants, Trees Hootman says "Mulch your Berries" [A man dressed in a suit stands in a field talking to workers.]

Scanned: June 26, 2007


Agriculture, Manpower, Labor, Renovating the Berry Patch with Potato Digger [A man on a tractor pulls the potato digger.]

Scanned: June 26, 2007


Agriculture, Manpower, Labor, Strawberry Loading Platform [Several workers load crates of strawberries onto a covered platform.]

Scanned: June 26, 2007


Agriculture, Transportation, Railroads, Persons Loading Strawberries into Refrigerator Cars [A man carries crates of strawberries into a refrigerated railroad car.]

Scanned: June 26, 2007


Agriculture, Education, Persons Farm Management Class [Men sit at a table and listen to a man who is standing.]

Scanned: June 26, 2007