Snow Removal |
Street Cleaning, Snow Removal, Seasons, Winter, Persons |
Removing snow by hand, ahead of the mechanized plows on the railroad. [Several people with shovels attempt to clear the way for the plow.]
Scanned: September 4, 2009 |
Snow Removal |
Street Cleaning, Snow Removal, Seasons, Winter, Persons |
A V plow trying to break through a drift. [A few spectators watch as the plow tries to clear the road.]
Scanned: September 4, 2009 |
Snow Removal |
Street Cleaning, Snow Removal, Seasons, Winter, Persons |
Big blizzard of "36" or may be "37". Men had to shovel ahead of the plows because the drifts were so high. [Two men shovel ahead as the plow barely peeks over the drifts.]
Scanned: September 4, 2009 |
Snow Removal |
Street Cleaning, Snow Removal, Seasons, Winter, Persons |
Big storm of late '20's or 30's. Had to shovel in front of the train plows. The locomotive is pushing a plow wich may also have been powered - but too much snow for the rigs. [Several people try to shovel the tracks while the engineer supervises. A pair of snow shoes are evident to the left of the photo.]
Scanned: September 4, 2009 |
Snow Removal |
Street Cleaning, Snow Removal, Seasons, Winter, Persons |
Central Machine Co. Minne "Snow King". Both impellers turning to the left - one blowing snow. [A group of people follow the snow machine on foot, as it creates a cloud of snow.]
Scanned: September 4, 2009 |
Snow Removal |
Street Cleaning, Snow Removal, Seasons, Winter, Persons |
Tractor stuck, men shoveling it out. Holt tractor, first v plow. Early 1920's. [Two men grab their shovels trying to free the embedded machine.]
Scanned: September 4, 2009 |
Snow Removal |
Street Cleaning, Snow Removal, Seasons, Winter, Persons |
Tractor with maintainer followed by an old bus, of the type that was used to haul people to the mines.
Scanned: September 4, 2009 |
Snow Removal |
Street Cleaning, Snow Removal, Seasons, Winter, Persons |
Holt tractor pulling the wing-plow barrels for ballast. [Three men pose for a photo with the machine.]
Scanned: September 4, 2009 |
Snow Removal |
Street Cleaning, Snow Removal, Seasons, Winter, Persons |
Tractor Snow King. Front was so high the driver had to stand to see ahead. [A tractor with two separate "scoops" is parked outside of what looks like a mining building.]
Scanned: September 4, 2009 |
Snow Removal |
Street Cleaning, Snow Removal, Buildings, |
This may be the snow plow of the Houghton County Traction Co. with the street car barn in back.
Scanned: September 4, 2009 |