Browse Subjects

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Animals - Horses

Persons, Seasons, Winter, [Two men are shown in the woods with an aging work horse.]

Scanned: September 2, 2010


Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Persons, Seasons, Winter Quincy [Two people walk down the snow covered road leading to the shaft house. Light or telephone poles line both sides of the road.]

Scanned: September 2, 2010

Cities & Towns - Mass City

Persons, Human Settlements, Buildings Mass City [Three boys play on a makeshift sidewalk. A church and homes with two entrances are shown.]

Scanned: May 28, 2008

Copper Range Railroad

Buildings, Transportation, Railroads, Copper Range Railroad track [View of track, railroad cars and buildings.]

Scanned: September 2, 2010

Recreation - Camping

Manners and Customs, Recreation, Outdoor Recreation, Camping, Persons, Water, Rivers Sturgeon River - setting up camp [A man sets up camp along side a river bank. He already has a camp fire going with a pail of something cooking. A canoe is turned on its side near the tent that doesn't appear to provide much shelter.]

Scanned: September 2, 2010

Recreation - Camping

Manners and Customs, Recreation, Outdoor Recreation, Camping, Persons, Water, Rivers Sturgeon River - Showing off the campsite. [A man smokes a pipe and stands near the tent with his hands in his pockets. A thermos and a frying pan are visible inside the tent. A gun case and oars lean on each side of the tent. A meal of what appears to be a can of beans and bread has been set out on a log along with two plates.]

Scanned: September 2, 2010

Lighthouse - Jacobsville

Aids to Navigation, Lighthousers, Buildings, Jacobsville Lighthouse [View of the lighthouse taken in a field of daises.]

Scanned: September 2, 2010

Recreation - Picnics

Manners and Customs, Recreation, Outdoor Recreation, Persons, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress Picnic at White City [A family has sandwiches and coffee under the shade of some trees.]

Scanned: September 2, 2010

Recreation - Camping

Manners and Customs, Recreation, Outdoor Recreation, Persons, Camping at White City [Photo of sleepy heads inside the tent. ]

Scanned: September 2, 2010

Recreation - Camping

Manners and Customs, Recreation, Outdoor Recreation, Persons, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress Camping at White City [A strange photo of 5 people standing next to a tent. Two of the ladies are dressed in sailor outfits. A man carrying a tray of food wears a jacket with an "H" emblem on the arm.]

Scanned: September 3, 2010