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Proposed Plan for a new Michigan Tech Campus

Buildings, Public Buildings, Education, Johnson, Johnson and Roy plans for the new campus; the master plan commissioned by President Smith. [An arial view sketch of a proposed layout for the MTU campus. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 139)]

Scanned: October 27, 2008

Houghton, MI

Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, , An Artist's sketch of the village of Houghton in 1881 [Quincy area in foreground (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 14)]

Scanned: January 17, 2008

Demise of Sperr Hall

Buildings, Public Buildings, Education, Sperr Hall in place of the EERC. [Several men overlook the demolition of Sperr Hall. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 140)]

Scanned: October 27, 2008

MTU Campus

Buildings, Public Buildings, Persons, Seasons, Winter Part of the old campus viewed east from College Avenue. [Students walk around the old campus blanketed with snow. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 140)]

Scanned: October 27, 2008

Hubbell Hall

Buildings, Public Buildings, , Rubble of Hubbell Hall. [Photograph of the demolition of Hubbell Hall. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 140)]

Scanned: October 27, 2008

MTU Campus

Transportation, Roads, Geography, Maps, MTU Campus Traffic & Parking. [Proposed changes for parking and streets around the MTU campus. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 140)]

Scanned: October 27, 2008

MTU Campus

Buildings, Public Buildings, Transportation, Automotive, Seasons, Winter College Avenue looking from the Union roof toward the Quincy Mine Shaft. [View of the MTU campus along College Ave from the MUB roof during winter. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 140)]

Scanned: October 27, 2008

Shops Building

Buildings, Public Buildings, , End of Shops Building. [Demolition of the Shops Building on the MTU campus by Herman Gundlach Contractors. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 140)]

Scanned: October 27, 2008

MTU Campus

Buildings, Public Buildings, Education, Seasons, Winter Part of the new campus viewed westwardly from Fisher Hall. [View looking toward the ME-EM building from the Memorial Union building in the snow. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 141)]

Scanned: October 28, 2008

Buildings - EERC

Buildings, Public Buildings, Education, Electrical Energy Resources Center. [View of the EERC building from the roof of Fisher Hall. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 141)]

Scanned: October 28, 2008