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Advertisements - Suomi College

Buildings, Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Advertisements - Suomi College, Hancock, Michigan. Designed by C. A. Pearce, Architect. Finnish Educational Institute. Commenced October, 1898. Corner Stone Laid May 30, 1899. Dedicated January 21, 1900. Cost About $30,000. Quincy Street, Hancock, Michigan.

Scanned: May 12, 2010

Advertisements - Dan Pearce Saloon

Buildings, Industries, Service Industries, Hospitality Industry, Bars (drinking establishments), Advertisements - Dan Pearce, Proprietor. Trade Mark "Hurry Back". The Latest, Wines, Liquors and Cigars. The Finest of Imported and Domestic. Drop in and Hear the Patent Pneumatic Orchestrion, The Finest Musical Instrument in the Copper Country. Hancock, Mich.

Scanned: May 12, 2010

Advertisements - G. S. North, General Merchandise

Buildings, Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Stores, Retail, Advertisements - G. S. North, General Merchandise, Quincy Mine

Scanned: May 12, 2010

Advertisements - J. E. O'Neill, Livery and Undertaking

Buildings, Commercial Buildings, , Advertisements - J. E. ONeill, Livery and Undertaking. When in need of a Swell Turnout dont forget to give us a call. Hancock, Mich.

Scanned: May 12, 2010

Advertisements - A. Haas Brewing Co.

Beverage Processing Plants, Breweries, , Advertisements - A. Haas Brewing Co., Established 1859, Incorporated 1887. Brewers and Bottlers of the Famous "Bavarian." Phones at Houghton and Calumet.

Scanned: May 12, 2010

Advertisements - Jacob Gartner's New Department Store

Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Stores, Retail, , Advertisements - Jacob Gartner's New Department Store. Main St., Opposite Postoffice Hancock, Mich. FIRST FLOOR. Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Ladies' and Gent's Furnishing Goods, Jewelry, Notions, Fancy Goods. SECOND FLOOR. Cloaks, Jackets, Wrappers, Skirts, Shirt Waists, Lace Curtains, Furs, Muslin Underwear, Millinery. THIRD FLOOR. Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Linoleum, Oil Cloth, Baby Carriages, Go-Carts. BASEMENT. Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, Refrigerators, Hardware, Paints, Trunks. Established 1884. Our Motto, Reliable Goods, Low Prices.

Scanned: May 13, 2010

Advertisements - The New Northwestern

Industries, Service Industries, Hospitality Industry, Hotels, , Advertisements - The New Northwestern, Hancock, Mich. Bolling & Goerling, Props., (Late of The Spaulding, Duluth) This Hotel has been thoroughly renovated and largely refurnished. Electric Lights, Steam Heat, Private Baths, Large Light Sample Rooms. Service and Cuisine are unexcelled in the Copper Country. Free Bus to and from Stations, Rates $2.00 and $2.50 per day.

Scanned: May 13, 2010

Advertisements - City Drug Store

Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Stores, Retail, , Advertisements - City Drug Store, Hancock, Mich. Andrew Bram, Proprietor. Arthur T. Ellsworth, Manager. Everything New and Up-to-Date. Only the Purest Drugs. At our Soda Fountain we use only Pure Fruit Flavors and Crushed Fruits. Agents for Heppner's Famous Ice Cream, Hancock and Houghton.

Scanned: May 13, 2010

Advertisements - H. M. Wieder

Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Stores, Retail, , Advertisements - H. M. Wieder, Manufacturer of Work and Driving Harness. Our Bicycle Dept. Is the most complete in the State. We make all our own Harness. 321 Calumet Street, Lake Linden. Established 1887. 410 Fifth Street, Red Jacket. Established 1897. We make a specialty of fitting Rubber Tires to old or new Buggies.

Scanned: May 13, 2010

Advertisements - Postoffice Block, Houghton

Buildings, , Advertisements - Postoffice Block, Houghton. H. L. Ottenheimer, Architect.

Scanned: May 13, 2010