MTU School of Business |
Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Persons, |
SEATED: William E. Barstow, Rekha Armbardar, Jean Woodbury, John A. Bauman, Helen Bowden, Manmohan, D. Chaubey, James R. Gale, Paul E. Aho. STANDING: Gary A. Capbell, Kenneth O. Alexander, Dana M. Bracco, B. Patrick Joyse, Terry D. Monson, Roger A. Chope, Betty C. Heian, Munkund S. Kulkarni, Alan J. Brokaw, Thomas E. Merz, Kenneth R. Janson, George R. Butler.
Scanned: October 5, 2009 |

MTU Kappa Sigma Iota |
Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Persons, Societies |
FRONT ROW, L-R: Dave Holland, Amy Haselhuhn, Denise Niernisto, Gail Mroz. SECOND ROW: Jayne D'Alberto, Sara Pieti, Michele DaPra, Laura Bunt, Patricia Boudreau, Joan Haven, Ann Maycunich, Dr. Nazik Roufaiel. THRID ROW: Christine Schultz, Dorothy Eisch, Gene Hammond, Kevin Wompler, Kevin Kolb, Tom Troost, Kathy, Stindt, Patrice Scullion.
Scanned: October 5, 2009 |

MTU Business & Engineering Administration |
Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Persons, |
SEATED: B. Patrick Joyce, Thomas E. Merz, James R. Gale, Terry D. Monson. STANDING: James O. Frendewey, Gary A. Campbel, Anil B. Jambekar, Walter D. McCoy, William B. Chapel, Scott M. Moore, Paul A. Nelson, Marck C. Roberts, Ronald E. Blevins, Mehenna Yakhou, Karol I. Pelc, Can A. Dogan, Shelia Milligan, Stephen P. Dresch, Christa L. Walck, Boubekeur Rahali.
Scanned: October 6, 2009 |

MTU Alpha Kappa Psi |
Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Persons, Societies |
"Alpha Kappa Psi is a professional business fraternity that offers a wide variety of both professional and social activities to the men and women of Michigan Tech. Even though nationally we are considered a business fraternity, locally we resemble a more of a social/business fraternity and have members in a wide variety of curricula. Our personal motto is "Mixing Business with Pleasure." Alpha Kappa Psi sponsors Career Day and participates in activities such as K-Day, Homecoming, and Winter Carnival."
Scanned: October 6, 2009 |

Donald E. Palmer |
Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Manners and Customs, |
Donald E. Palmer, Burlington, Vermont, B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Vermont, 1929, Candidate for Master of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering. [From 1930 edition of Keweenawan, list of Graduate Students within the book}.
Scanned: December 12, 2011 |

MCMT Junior Class of 1930 |
Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Manners and Customs, |
The Junior Class this year was the first organized Junior Classin the history of the College. Students featured on page 70 were: William E. Gertz, Harold Grams, Frank Graham, Morris Harry Gross, George Harper, and Conrad Hawn.
Scanned: December 12, 2011 |

MCMT Junior Class of 1930 |
Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Manners and Customs, |
The Junior Class this year was the first organized Junior Classin the history of the College. Students featured on page 79 were: Griffith Thresher, Gustave Dolf Tollen, Wesley Townsend, William Uitti, Walter, Waisanen and Gladstone Walking.
Scanned: December 12, 2011 |

MCMT Junior Class of 1932 |
Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Manners and Customs, |
Michigan College of Mining and Technology Junior Class of 1932 [Group photo of the 1932 Junior Class of MCMT, from 1932 Keweenawan, this page features, Charles Ruhanen, Henry Shroeger, Walter Schaub, Michael Skovera, William Shea, Raymond Sutton, William Shingler and Paul Swift}.
Scanned: December 12, 2011 |

MCMT Class of 1937 |
Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Manners and Customs, |
Michigan College of Mining and Technology Class of 1937 [Group photo of the 1936 Class of MCMT, from 1936 Keweenawan, this page features, Ahti Petaja, George Priniski, Robert Prout, John Quay, Jack Teal, Carl Rautio, Sheldon Reynolds, William Richards, Henry Ringle and Paul Rosewarne].
Scanned: December 12, 2011 |

MCMT 1930 Senior Class |
Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Manners and Customs, |
Michigan College of Mining and Technology Senior Class of 1930 [Group photo of 1930 Senior Class of MCMT, from 1936 Keweenawan].
Scanned: December 12, 2011 |