Jack Pratt |
Persons, Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Mass Media, Newspapers |
Keweenawan Staff - Jack Pratt [Poor photo taken from the 1924 Keweenawan of Jack working in an office setting.]
Scanned: July 13, 2010 |

Michigan College of Mines Lode |
Persons, Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Mass Media, Newspapers |
Born as the fruit of a much discussed and long-felt need for a regular publication to represent the M.C.M. Student Organization, the Lode made its first appearance in February, 1921.
Scanned: July 15, 2010 |

Michigan College of Mines Radio Broadcasting Station |
Persons, Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Mass Media |
One of the newest and most interesting additions to the equipment at M.C.M. is the Radio Broadcasting Station. The initial plans for it were laid during the summer of 1923. [A man sits in a chair and speaks into a microphone. The table is cluttered with electrical equipment.]
Scanned: July 13, 2010 |

Winter Carnival |
Persons, Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Manners and Customs, Festivals |
A Elyfunt. [Two of the students dress in an elephant costume.]
Scanned: July 13, 2010 |

Basketball Team |
Persons, Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Ball Games, Basketball |
The season of 1923-24 presented Coach Harvey with the problem of building a team from two "letter" men of the previous year and a fairly large turnout of raw material. From the standpoint of games won, the season cannot be considered highly successful; but a compensating feature is the fact that there were many close and higly exciting games, and the team showed continuous improvement throughout the season. After some practice games with local aggregations, the intercollegiate contests began with the Detroit College of Law, on January 11th. Superiority in passing and consistent team work enabled the Miners to win with a score of 25-12. The work of Haga and Warner was outstanding, "Louie's" long shots being exceptionally spectacular.
Scanned: July 15, 2010 |

Biography - Ella Lucille Wood |
, Persons, Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher |
Ella Lucille Wood - Associate Professor; Head of Departments of Geography and English. B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1927. [Head and shoulders photo of Ms. Wood.]
Scanned: May 27, 2010 |

Athletic Board |
Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Persons, Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports |
To quote its by-laws, "the object of the Board of Athletics is to control the athletic teams representing Michigan Tech, and to secure for them proper financial support." The board is composed of the coaching staff, team managers, the president and treasurer of the Student Organization, and a member elected from outside college circles. [Photo of the Athletic Board in 1934. No names are listed.]
Scanned: July 16, 2010 |

Band |
Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Persons, Musical Groups |
The Michigan Tech R.O.T.C. band, with a membership of forty, has been increasingly active during the past two years. Under the direction of Arthur Kitti, it has represented the college on many occasions. Although only about 20 percent of the members are R.O.T.C. men, the band itself is a branch of the Tech battalion, and participates in all battalion activities. [A posed photo of the band wearing uniforms with their instruments. A drum shows the Michigan College of Mining & Technology insignia.]
Scanned: July 19, 2010 |

Sigma Rho Fraternity |
Societies, Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, |
Forty years ago, when the institution was known as the Michigan School of Mines, a group of men linked together by the bond of school fellowship and interest in the same profession founded Sigma Rho fraternity. Since that time, it has become national and in addition to being the oldest fraternity on the campus, it is the oldest mining, metallurgical and geological engineering fraternity in the United States. [Photo of the Sigma Rho Fraternity House, as it was in 1934.]
Scanned: July 3, 2012 |

Electrical Club |
Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, , |
The student branch of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers had its beginning in 1928, when the Society of Electrical Engineers was formed by student electrical engineers under the direction of Professor Swenson, head of the department. In October, 1929, the society became the M.C.M.&T. branch of teh A.I.E.E. The programs presented at the bi-monthly meetings consist of illustrated lectures by members, movingpictures of engineering projects, and talks by professional men. The social events sponsored by the club have all been most successful.
Scanned: July 5, 2012 |