Delaware Mine |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, , |
Plan on Plane of Belt of Openings in Conglomerate Mine Up to January 1st, 1887 Scale, 2000 ft. to 1 ft. - From the Conglomerate Mining Company General Description of the Property with maps, photographs and detailed cost of plant. [Drawing of mine showing levels]
Scanned: February 19, 2009 |

Bird's Eye View of Copper Harbor |
Buildings, Public Buildings, Inland Navigation, Historic Sites |
Birds Eye View of Copper Harbor [Lithograph drawing from Charles T. Jacksons Report of 1849]
Scanned: March 10, 2006 |

Buildings - Union Halls |
Buildings, Human Settlements, Seasons, Winter |
Italian Benevolent Society Hall, Calumet [Exterior view of the building. A man driving a horse drawn sleigh, heavy with snow, poses in front of the building.]
Scanned: February 8, 2008 |

Buildings - Amphidrome |
Buildings, Sport Facilities, Arenas, Seasons, Winter, |
Amphidrome, Houghton, MI [Postcard image of the building showing the original front.]
Scanned: January 21, 2008 |

Buildings - Union Halls |
Buildings, Human Settlements, |
Temperance Hall, Calumet [Exterior view of a long building. The steeple from a nearby church peeks over the roof line.]
Scanned: February 8, 2008 |

Lighthouses - Rock Harbor |
Aids to Navigation, Lighthousers, Water, Lakes, Woody Plants, Trees |
Rock Harbor Lighthouse Isle Royale
Scanned: March 8, 2007 |

D. D. Brockway and his family |
Persons, , |
Brockway family - at Lake Linden after 1895 move from Cliffton [An outside photo showing Mr. and Mrs. Brockway and their family.]
Scanned: December 19, 2005 |

Baltic Mine No. 2 Shaft |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Buildings, |
No. 2 shaft & rock house, Baltic Mine [A photo of an early wooden shafthouse in a clearing.]
Scanned: January 17, 2007 |

Buildings - Libraries |
Buildings, Public Buildings, Library Buildings, , |
Paine Memorial Library - Painesdale, MI [Exterior view of the sandstone building.]
Scanned: February 29, 2008 |

The Baltic Mine |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Buildings, |
The Baltic Mine from Six Mile Hill, Sept. 5, 1911 [A photo of a line of 4 steel framed shaft-rockhouses. A large poor rock pile is in the foreground and smoke is coming from a large chimney in the background.]
Scanned: January 17, 2007 |