Lighthouse at Jacobsville |
Aids to Navigation, Lighthousers, , |
Lighthouse at Jacobsville and Henri's Store. [Image shows the Jacobsville Lighthouse and a multitude of buildings in the background.]
Scanned: May 7, 2015 |

Islands - Isle Royale |
Landforms, Persons, Woody Plants, Trees |
Natural Arch Isle Royale 1893, Caribo Island - Gilbert's Hole? [A man writing in a notebook stands on top of the natural formation.]
Scanned: March 8, 2007 |

Islands - Isle Royale |
Human Settlements, Seasons, Winter, Woody Plants, Trees |
The town of Ghyllbank at Windigo which indcluded a large log office, store houses and log cabins. [View of the settlement from the frozen lake.]
Scanned: March 8, 2007 |

Islands - Isle Royale and Copper Mines & Mining Companies - Wendigo Copper Co. |
Manners and Customs, Recreation, Outdoor Recreation, Seasons, Winter, Woody Plants, Trees |
Tobogganing - Wendigo [A group of tobaggans are shown going down a hill near a large building. Most of the trees have been cut leaving stumps sticking out of the snow, piles of brush and neatly stacked logs.]
Scanned: August 23, 2010 |

Islands - Isle Royale |
Human Settlements, Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, Woody Plants, Trees |
Richard O'Neils - a mining family at Windigo around 1892. [A man and his wife and child sit outside their log cabin home.]
Scanned: March 8, 2007 |

Jacobsville Lighthouse |
Aids to Navigation, Lighthousers, Persons, Immigrants, |
[Photo of the Jacobsville Lighthouse. Two women are standing outside.]
Scanned: April 30, 2015 |

Canals - Portage Canal |
Inland Navigation, Canals, Water, Lakes, Ships |
Boats on Lily Pond [Numerous vessels of all types are shown at Lily Pond.]
Scanned: March 10, 2008 |

Bridges - Agate Harbor |
Transportation, Bridges, Water, Lakes, Woody Plants, Trees |
Bridge over Silver Creek, Agate Harbor. Sept. 1908 [Log constructed walking bridge over a creek with Lake Superior beyond.]
Scanned: January 21, 2008 |

Lighthouses |
Inland Navigation, Canals, Ships, |
Boat going through canal in front of a lighthouse. [An ore boat, the Troy, passes the Portage Lake Ship Canal Lighthouse, Upper Entry.]
Scanned: April 23, 2009 |

Buildings - Stores |
Buildings, Persons, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress |
Foley & Smith Store, Eagle Harbor, Mich. [Exterior view of the building. A man wearing a derby hat sits on the steps with his dogs.]
Scanned: February 26, 2008 |