Schools - Calumet High School |
Education, Buildings, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns |
Calumet High School [Exterior view of the school building.]
Scanned: July 23, 2009 |

Kickapoo Indian Medicine Company |
Persons, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress, |
According to Lynette Turek - Indians sharing extensive knowledge of herbal medicine. [ The group poses for a photo under a canopy.]
Scanned: September 25, 2007 |

Calumet and Hecla Mining Company |
Manufacturing Process, Mills and Millwork, Buildings, Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining |
C & H Superior [Interior view of the building and machinery.]
Scanned: July 23, 2009 |

Rathbone School |
Education, Buildings, Persons |
Rathbun School. [A crowd of people gather at the building for dedication ceremonies perhaps? The negative is imprinted with "Rathbun School" but more than likely it is the Rathbone School in Eagle Harbor.]
Scanned: July 23, 2009 |

Old Cliff Mine |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Buildings, Historic Sites, Historic Mines |
Old Cliff Mine [A poor photo of the remains of the old Cliff Mine. Several dilapidated buildings are visible in the foreground with the bulk of the site in the middle of the photograph.]
Scanned: January 16, 2007 |

Red Jacket Shaft-C&H Mine |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Buildings, Miners |
Red Jacket Shaft-C&H Mine [A photo showing a group of miners in front of the Red Jacket Shaft in Calumet. The miners are in their work clothes and all have helmets or hats on.]
Scanned: January 16, 2007 |

Cliff Mine |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Buildings, Historic Sites, Historic Mines |
Cliff Mine-oldest mine on Lake Superior [A closeup photo of the abandoned structures at the Cliff Mine. The mine and rock tramway are in the background.]
Scanned: January 16, 2007 |

Cliff Mine |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Buildings, Transportation |
Deserted Village - Old Cliff Mine [A man driving a horse and buggy is shown next to a group of log cabins.]
Scanned: August 7, 2006 |

Alexander Agassiz |
Persons, Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, |
Alexander Agassiz [A studio posed portrait of Alexander Agassiz along with his signature.]
Scanned: December 19, 2005 |

Disasters - Italian Hall |
Disasters, Accidents, Persons |
Bodies of some of the victims in one of the morgues. [Several bodies of young children are pictured.]
Scanned: August 2, 2006 |