Cities & Towns - Calumet |
Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, Buildings, Dwellings, |
C & H North of Hecla Stack [View of the town with a round house, mining operations and many homes.]
Scanned: October 24, 2006 |

Cities & Towns - Hancock |
Buildings, Public Buildings, Courthouses, Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns |
Hill back of Houghton Court House looking toward Hancock. [Image of a treeless Quincy Hill. The bridge and some residences are pictured.]
Scanned: October 26, 2006 |

Cities & Towns - Houghton |
Buildings, Public Buildings, Courthouses, Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining |
Hill back of Houghton Court House looking toward Hancock. [Similar to Neg. #00623 showing the court house, some residences and the mining operations on Quincy Hill]
Scanned: October 26, 2006 |

Schools |
Education, Buildings, Public Buildings, Transportation, Automotive |
Hancock High School [Children play in the school yard. Vintage automobiles can be seen in the lower right hand corner of the photo.]
Scanned: October 26, 2006 |

Schools |
Education, Buildings, Public Buildings, Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family |
Hancock, showing schools. [A church and buildings with dome additions are pictured.]
Scanned: October 26, 2006 |

Buildings - Offices |
Buildings, , |
Quincy Mining Office [Good image of the sandstone building surrounded by a fence. The building has two large chimneys and sits on a well manicured lawn. Two horse head hitching posts can be seen in the lower corners of the photo.]
Scanned: October 26, 2006 |

Copper Mines & Mining - Companies |
Buildings, Manpower, Labor, Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining |
Mass Mine [Some of the workers stand in the doorway of a building with a "No Smoking" sign posted on it.]
Scanned: October 26, 2006 |

Buildings - Hotels |
Industries, Service Industries, Hospitality Industry, Hotels, Buildings, Civic Centers, Arts Facilities, Theaters, Transportation, Automotive |
Scott Hotel [Good photo of the Hancock hotel in its glory. The Kerredge Theatre is right next door. A Western Union office and the Detroit and Northern Michigan Building and Loan Assocation conducted business on the ground level. Several vintage automobiles are shown as well as the church behind the hotel.]
Scanned: October 26, 2006 |

Lakes |
Water, Lakes, Woody Plants, Trees, |
Lac La Belle [View of the lake taken from a hillside.]
Scanned: October 26, 2006 |

Adventure Mine |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Buildings, |
Adventure Mine [A photo of a large steel-braced shaft-rockhouse.]
Scanned: May 12, 2006 |