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Advertisements - Fred A. Wieder

Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Stores, Retail, , Advertisement for Fred A. Wieder, Manufacturer of Harness and Saddlery. Dealer in Buggies, Cutters and Bicycles, Wagons, Sleighs, Sporting Goods, Fine Trunks and Valises. Harness and Bicycle Repairing. 309 Sixth Street, Calumet, Mich.

Scanned: May 12, 2010

Advertisements - Portage Lake Foundry and Machinery Co.

Foundries, , Advertisement for the Portage Lake Foundry and Machinery Co., Builders of General Mining Machinery. Manufacturers of Every Description of Iron and Brass Castings. We make a specialty of Stamp Shoes, Dies, and other Hard and Chilled Iron Castings of every description. Chilled Car Wheels of all kinds. Orders executed with neatness and despatch. Hancock, Mich.

Scanned: May 12, 2010

Advertisements - Board of Trade Palm Garden and Cafe

Industries, Service Industries, Hospitality Industry, Bars (drinking establishments), , Advertisement for the Board of Trade Palm Garden and Cafe. The Business Men's Rendezvous. Houghton.

Scanned: May 12, 2010

Advertisements - Douglass House

Industries, Service Industries, Hospitality Industry, Hotels, , Advertisement for the Douglass House, Houghton. Designed by H. L. Oppenheimer, Architect.

Scanned: May 12, 2010

Advertisements - Lake Superior Iron Works

Manufacturing Process, , Advertisement for Charles J. Hodge, Lake Superior Iron Works. Manufacturer of all Kinds of Machinery...Mining Machinery a Specialty. Iron and Brass Castings of Every Description. Ball's Steam Stamps, California Cam Stamps, Cam Stamps, improved pattern, Blake's Improved Rock Crushers, all sizes. Cornish Crushing Rolls, Hoisting Machinery, Air Compressors, Washing Machinery, Slime Tables, Collom's Iron Jiggers, Separators. Hand and Power Winches, Cornish Bucket and Plunger Pumps, Steam Pumps, Boiler Fronts and Mountings. Shafting, Hangers and Pulleys, Brass Goods, Pipe Flanges, Wrought Iron Pipe and Fittings, Bolts, Nuts and Washers, Engine Governors, Bar and Sheet Iron. Make a Specialty of Chilled Stamp Shoes and Dies That Will Outwear any Steel Shoes or Dies Made. Houghton, Mich.

Scanned: May 13, 2010

Advertisements - August Pelto

Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Stores, Retail, , Advertisement for August Pelto - for a fine Suit or Overcoat. Full Dress Suits a Specialty. Hancock, Michigan.

Scanned: May 12, 2010

Buildings - Shelden Dee Building

Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Stores, Retail, , Shelden Dee Building, Houghton.

Scanned: May 12, 2010

Advertisements - Edward Ryan

Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Stores, Retail, , 1860 - Edward Ryan, Hancock - 1900. Most Complete Line of Dry Goods in the city. Dress Goods, Trimmings, Gloves, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Furniture, Carpets and Bedding of all kinds. Groceries, Teas and Coffees.

Scanned: May 13, 2010

Advertisements - Michigan College of Mines

Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Buildings, Advertisements - Michigan College of Mines. An Engineering School with unique location, giving it unusual facilities. Distinctive methods of instruction. Special courses given. All work in charge of widely experienced men. Catalogue Giving list of graduates and their occupations on application. Address F. W. McNair, President, Houghton, Michigan.

Scanned: May 12, 2010

Advertisements - C. Archibald Pearce, Architect

Buildings, , Advertisements - C. Archibald Pearce, Architect, Scott's Block, Telephone No. 79 Hancock, Mich.

Scanned: May 12, 2010