Mining Strike |
Armed Forces, Soldiers, Buildings, |
[Smiling soldiers pose for a photo.]
Scanned: October 21, 2009 |

Mining Strike |
Armed Forces, Soldiers, Buildings, |
[A group of soldiers stand at attention. Others carrying rifles kneel in front of them.]
Scanned: October 21, 2009 |

Mining Strike |
Labor Movements, Labor Unions, Miners, Copper Miners, Buildings |
[Some of the picketers are shown. One carries a sign "One Man Machine - Our Agitator". Another carries a sign requesting "We Demand Higher Wages and Better Working Conditions." Another sign states "Something just as good. Miners ask for bread Jim offers lead" written below a drawing of a man. The group is gathered outside of Dunn's and the office of the Calumet Miners Union No. 203 W. F. of M.]
Scanned: October 21, 2009 |

Copper Miners Strike |
Labor Movements, Labor Unions, Military Structures, Buildings |
1913-14 strike and military intervention. [Several spectators gather near a fence to observe the soldiers. Several tents are shown.]
Scanned: September 19, 2007 |

Mining Strike |
Persons, Armed Forces, Soldiers, Food Service |
One of the tents of the culinary department. [A soldier covered in flour, stands at a make shift table preparing bread?]
Scanned: October 28, 2009 |

Mining Strike |
Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress, Armed Forces, Soldiers, Labor Movements |
Visitors in camp. [A group of children visit the soldiers. One of the little girls carries a doll.]
Scanned: October 27, 2009 |

Copper Miners Strike |
Industrial Relations, Labor Disputes, Strikes and Lockouts, Military Structures, Armed Forces, Soldiers |
1913-14 strike and military intervention. [Image of rows of tents and some of the soldiers.]
Scanned: September 19, 2007 |

Mining Strike |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Armed Forces, Soldiers, Labor Movements |
Detachment of soldiers going down to guard the mines. [Several soldiers are pictured along with two mining captains.]
Scanned: October 27, 2009 |

Mining Strike |
Persons, Armed Forces, Soldiers, Labor Movements |
First Aid Practice [Members of the first aid team help a "victim".]
Scanned: October 27, 2009 |

Mining Strike |
Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, Buildings, Woody Plants, Trees |
Calumet Avenue looking south from high school building. [Good view of the town and buildings.]
Scanned: October 27, 2009 |