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Spitzbergen Locations

Natural Resources, Mines and Mineral Resources, Transportation, Buildings Grube Nr 2. Longyear City. Spitsbergen. Nr.4o. Enorek Mittetrfo [A rail line and aerial tramway leads to a mine on the slopes of a snowy mountain. Three buildings stand in the foreground]

Scanned: June 24, 2008

Spitzbergen - Arctic Coal Company

Power-Plants, Fossil Fuel Power Plants, Railroads, Buildings and Structures, Buildings 1216 [A rail line runs down a hill in front of a small power house and other buildings]

Scanned: June 24, 2008

Spitzbergen - Arctic Coal Company

Power-Plants, Fossil Fuel Power Plants, Railroads, Buildings and Structures, Power-Plants, Fossil Fuel Power Plants 1217 [Four rail lines run down a hill adjacent a power house. A large coal pile stands on a ridge above]

Scanned: June 24, 2008

Spitzbergen - Arctic Coal Company

Power-Plants, Fossil Fuel Power Plants, Buildings, Natural Resources, Mines and Mineral Resources 1215 [A group of warehouses and a powerhouse under a ridge with a large coal stockpile]

Scanned: June 24, 2008

Spitzbergen - Arctic Coal Company

Human Settlements, Natural Resources, Mines and Mineral Resources, Transportation 1213 [A settlement at the bottom of a mountain adjacent a river drainage. A mine with aerial tramway is visible on the slopes of the mountain]

Scanned: June 24, 2008

Spitzbergen - Arctic Coal Company

Harbors, Docks, Natural Resources, Mines and Mineral Resources, Buildings 1211 [A ship is docked by a two story dock. On the shoreline is a group of buildings and a large coal stockpile]

Scanned: June 24, 2008

Spitzbergen - Arctic Coal Company

Human Settlements, Natural Resources, Mines and Mineral Resources, Buildings 1212 [The side of a mountain with housing, a portion of an aerial tramway, and the edge of a coal stockpile]

Scanned: June 24, 2008

Spitzbergen - Arctic Coal Company

Geography, Maps, Natural Resources, Mines and Mineral Resources, History, Modern, 20th Century Trondhjem Spitsbergen Kulkompagnie's Eindom ved Advent Bay 1:10,000. [A map of Advent Bay showing a plan of a coal mining operation].

Scanned: March 5, 2008

Spitzbergen - Arctic Coal Company

Geography, Maps, Natural Resources, Mines and Mineral Resources, History, Modern, 20th Century [A map of part of the Spitzbergen archipelago showing a land claim to an area on the south side of the Ice Fjord].

Scanned: March 5, 2008

Spitzbergen - Arctic Coal Company

Geography, Maps, Manners and Customs, Human Settlements Sketch Map of Ice Fiord, West Spitsbergen, Shoing A.C.Co. and A. & L. Tracts No 1. 2. 3. & 4 [Map of the Arctic Coal Company claims on the Ice Fjord, Spitsbergen, showing mine locations, settlment locations and other notable features].

Scanned: June 24, 2008