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Michigan Mining School Shop

Buildings, Public Buildings, Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Shop, Michigan Mining School [Interior photo showing a cupboard containing various tools.]

Scanned: September 19, 2006

Michigan Mining School Lab

Buildings, Public Buildings, Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Lab, Michigan Mining School [Interior view of lab showing gas light fixtures and a chalkboard with diagrams]

Scanned: September 19, 2006

Drilling Rig

Metal Trade, , Drilling Rig [One man sits atop a tripod type of structure. Several men stand below. What appears to be a logging operation can be seen in the background. Could be a diamond drill and may not be in the Copper Country]

Scanned: September 19, 2006

Brown's Horseshoe Furnace

Smelting, , Diagram of Brown's Horeshoe Furnace [Main Furnace Cross sectional diagram]

Scanned: September 20, 2006

Unidentified Scene

Manpower, Labor, Transportation, Railroads, Buildings Unidentified Scene [A man works on top of a wooden structure, accessible by a tall ladder. Rail road track can be seen in photo]

Scanned: September 22, 2006


Smelting, , Diagram of Converters, remelting furnace [Drawings of Original Parrot Converter, Improved Parrot Converter, Remelting Furnace, and Stickney Improved Converter]

Scanned: September 22, 2006


Smelting, , Diagram [Diagram of a Smelting Furnace]

Scanned: September 22, 2006


Smelting, , Diagram [Diagram of a Smelting Furnace]

Scanned: September 22, 2006


Smelting, , Diagram of "Pearce" Turret Roasting Furnace [Image showing the different chambers and sections]

Scanned: September 20, 2006


Smelting, , Diagram [Diagram of what may be a reverbratory furnace]

Scanned: September 20, 2006