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Spitzbergen Locations

Harbors, Burials, Ships Spitzbergen. Advent Bay. Graves. [Two graves with wooden crosses on a ridge overlooking a harbor where four ships are anchored].

Scanned: April 7, 2008

Spitzbergen Locations

Buildings, Historic Sites, Spitzbergen, 01. Hut built by shipwrecked men. Advent Bay. 67. [Two women and one man look at the wooden frame of a small A-frame building with no external sheathing. The building is dug around 2 feet into the ground].

Scanned: March 12, 2008

Spitzbergen - Whaling

Burials, Historic Sites, Spitzbergen, 07. Smeerenburg Mausoleum of dead Dutchmen created by Dutch Govt. [Two engraved grave markers rest on a large pile of stones].

Scanned: April 9, 2008

Spitzbergen Locations

Burials, Historic Sites, Harbors Spitzbergen, '07.Safe Harbor. Graves on the beach. Frost brings coffins to surface. 106. [The wooden remains of a grave is visible among a pile of rock. The grave by the shoreline].

Scanned: March 12, 2008

Spitzbergen Locations

Historic Sites, Memorials, , Spitzbergen, '07. Advent Bay. Tourist Souveniers. 96. [several cairns and decorative poles with a harbour and mountains in the background].

Scanned: March 12, 2008

Spitzbergen Locations

Natural Resources, Mines and Mineral Resources, Human Settlements, Harbors Spitzbergen, 11. Kings Bay Camp of S Explir (?). Co. (Mansfields Camp). Marble Explin. [A settlement of nine buildings by a harbor with a sail boat].

Scanned: March 12, 2008

Spitzbergen Locations

Human Settlements, Harbors, Geography Spitzbergen, '09. Horn Sound. Russian Camp. 154. [Two wooden buildings with some equipment by a small harbor under a mountain].

Scanned: March 12, 2008

Spitzbergen - Hunting

Human Settlements, Burials, Natural Resources Spitzbergen, 09. Horn Sound. Grave and Russian Cross, near hunters hut. 156. [Two men stand by a grave with a cross near a sod and wooden hut. Large mountains loom in the background].

Scanned: March 12, 2008

Spitzbergen - Arctic Coal Company

Harbors, History, Modern, 20th Century, Natural Resources Spitzbergen, '07. Ice Fjord. Crew going to cook up route for road from ship to land over ice. 24. [A group of men walk through the snow towards distant mountains].

Scanned: March 13, 2008

Spitzbergen - Green Harbor

Harbors, Natural Resources, Industries Spitzbergen, '11. Green Harbor. Norwegian Wireless Telegraph Station and Old Whaling Station. 49. [A group of buildings and two metal towers on the shoreline].

Scanned: April 9, 2008