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1913-1914 Strike

Persons, Industrial Relations, Labor Disputes, Strikes and Lockouts, Buildings, Public Buildings Special Prosecuting Attorney, Geo. E. Nichols [Attorney Nichols stands on steps enclosed by sandstone railings.]

Scanned: June 18, 2007

1913-1914 Strike

Persons, Industrial Relations, Labor Disputes, Strikes and Lockouts, Buildings, Public Buildings W. J. Gathraith, Attorney [Attorney Gathraith stands on steps enclosed by sandstone railings.]

Scanned: June 18, 2007

1913-1914 Strike

Persons, Industrial Relations, Labor Disputes, Strikes and Lockouts, Buildings, Public Buildings T. Driscoll, Deputy. Shot at South Range December 10, 1913 at head of Citizens Alliance Raid. [Deputy Driscoll, with his arm in a sling, stands on steps enclosed by sandstone railings.]

Scanned: June 18, 2007

1913-1914 Strike

Persons, Industrial Relations, Labor Disputes, Strikes and Lockouts, Buildings, Public Buildings N. F. Kaiser, County Clerk; W. J. McCormack, Attorney; Wm. Heikkilla, Under Sheriff [The three men stand on the steps of the court house.]

Scanned: June 20, 2007

1913-1914 Strike

Persons, Industrial Relations, Labor Disputes, Strikes and Lockouts, Buildings, Public Buildings James T. ODonnell, Supt. Waddell Mahon men. Taken in front of Douglass House, Houghton. Mr. Rees guard. [The image of the gentleman wearing a bowler hat, is reflected in the Douglass House window.]

Scanned: June 20, 2007

1913-1914 Strike

Persons, Industrial Relations, Labor Disputes, Strikes and Lockouts, Buildings, Public Buildings Wm. Lucas; Jos. Wills; Thos. Hosking; John MacLaughlin; James Shutte. Sheriff deputies on Court House steps at Houghton. [Two smiling boys stand behind the deputies.]

Scanned: June 20, 2007

1913-1914 Strike

Persons, Industrial Relations, Labor Disputes, Strikes and Lockouts, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress Some of the district organizers of the W. F. of M. So called agitators. Officers of various local unions of W. F. of M. and the lies they told the Congressional Committee! [Group of men pose for what appears to be a studio photo.]

Scanned: June 20, 2007

1913-1914 Strike

Persons, Industrial Relations, Labor Disputes, Strikes and Lockouts, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress Officers of Calumet Union. (1) William J. Richard, Pres. (2) John A. Antilla, Secy. (3) Dunstan, Ass. Secy. (4) Peter Jeada, Organizer (5) H. W. Mikko, Clerk (6) Victor Berg, Secy. Relief Com. [The men are shown in an office setting. H. W. Mikko is reportedly the person who took the photos in this collection.]

Scanned: June 20, 2007

1913-1914 Strike

Persons, Industrial Relations, Labor Disputes, Strikes and Lockouts, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress C. H. Tanner who was deported from Hancock, MI. Auditor of W. F. M. at Denver, CO. His account of the Moyer deportation has never been disputed by any eye witness. He was fair. [Full body image of Mr. Tanner standing by a building.]

Scanned: June 20, 2007

Miners' children in parade at Calumet

Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, Local Transit, Street, Railroads, Labor Movements Miners' children in parade at Calumet [Large group of children marching along street near railroad crossing with houses in the background. Child on far left carries sign reading "Papa is striking for us" (though lettering appears to have been retouched by photographer).]

Scanned: March 10, 2006