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MTU Buildings - Labs

Persons, Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Buildings Three students working in a lab. [Interior view of the lab with the students working surrounded by what appear to be containers of chemicals.]

Scanned: April 6, 2011

MTU Band

Musical Groups, Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Buildings MTU Band - Homecoming Parade [The band, dressed in military-like uniforms pass by Hubbell Hall. Two majorettes lead the way.]

Scanned: April 6, 2011

Colleges - Michigan Mining School

Education, Buildings, Persons Michigan Mining School Students, Lake Angeline Mine Office. MTU - Students - Field Trips - Mine Class [Students and Instructors(?) pose on the steps of Building 114. A sign on the building states "Engine House"]

Scanned: September 29, 2008

MTU - Buildings- Memorial Union

Buildings, Transportation, Automotive, Seasons Exterior View of the Memorial Union Building. [Image of the building showing the campus entrance. Vehicles that appear to be from the 1940s are parked in front of the building]

Scanned: September 29, 2008

MTU - Buildings - Library

Buildings, Public Buildings, Library Buildings, Education, Persons M.C.M Library Interior - Reading Room (ca. 1920s-1930s) [Students studying at tables in the M.C.M. Library Reading Room.]

Scanned: September 29, 2008

Campus Scene

Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Seasons, Winter, View of MCM Campus [A winter photo of the Michigan College of Mines campus showing Hubbell Hall, a man standing in the dirt street and a couple of cows in the foreground.]

Scanned: January 26, 2006

Stamp Mills - Quincy

Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Persons, Manpower, Labor Quincy Mill #2 Foundation [Image of men working in a pit type of atmosphere.]

Scanned: February 1, 2008

Quincy No. 2 Shaft-Rockhouse Interior

Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Accidents, Fires, Miners Inside shafthouse, six men on car [An interior photo of the Quincy No. 2. shaft-rockhouse. The men on the man car are preparing to enter the mine after a fire and they are all wearing breathing masks. A water bailer skip is hanging from a crane on the left side of the photo.]

Scanned: January 16, 2007


Transportation, Railroads, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress, Railroads, Cars Streetcar between Laurium and Lake Linden (Interior of car) [Several passengers posing for a picture on the streetcar. The passengers are dressed up and two conductors are seated next to them. A few ads are visible on the roof of the car.]

Scanned: December 20, 2005

Quincy #2 shaft & hoist

Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Buildings, Quincy #2 shaft & hoist [A photo of the No. 2 structure taken from an unusual angle. The shaft-rockhouse is in the foreground with the pulley towers and hoist house in the background. The strike watchmen's compartment is visible on the top of the structure.]

Scanned: January 16, 2007