Donald Kent Slayton |
Persons, Education, Manners and Customs |
Donald Kent (Deke) Slayton interviewed by Andrew Leifer. [Slayton, astronaut and honorary degree recipient. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 162)]
Scanned: December 12, 2008 |
Francis John McMulkin |
Persons, Education, Manners and Customs |
F. John McMulkin. [McMulkin, honorary degree recipient. (left to right) Vice President D. F. Stein, Dean J. A. Kent, F. J. McMulkin, President R. L. Smith. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 163)]
Scanned: December 12, 2008 |
Soichiro Honda |
Persons, Education, Manners and Customs |
Soichiro Honda. [Reception for honorary degree recipient, Soichiro Honda, industrialist. (left to right) Russell Hoyer, Mrs. Soichiro Honda, Eleanor Hoyer, Soichiro Honda. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 163)]
Scanned: December 12, 2008 |
Mrs. Soichiro Honda |
Persons, Education, Manners and Customs |
Mrs. Soichiro Honda. [Selection of the winner of a Honda motorcycle. President Smith and Mrs. Soichiro Honda with Kiyoshi Ikemi, interpreter (center). (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 163)]
Scanned: January 16, 2009 |
MTU - Campus |
Buildings, Public Buildings, Education, Ships |
Aerial photograph of the Michigan Tech campus. [Inland Steel Ore boat passing the Michigan Tech campus with a message for Tech graduates: "Congratulations Michigan Tech Graduating Class of 1975." (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 163)]
Scanned: January 15, 2009 |
Soichiro Honda |
Persons, Education, Transportation |
Soichiro Honda. [The lucky winner, Soichiro Honda and Michael Comstock. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 163)]
Scanned: January 15, 2009 |
MTU - Campus |
Buildings, Public Buildings, Education, Transportation, Roads |
Aerial photo of the MTU campus. [Michigan Tech campus, north of U.S. 41 (College Avenue/Townsend Drive). (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 167)]
Scanned: January 15, 2009 |
Vice President Lucier |
Persons, Education, |
Vice President Lucier. [Governor William Milliken (left), with Vice President Lucier, tours the Tech campus, 1983. Governor Milliken, in response to a decline in the economy, was forced to order reductions in aid to education in the early 1980s. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 168)]
Scanned: January 15, 2009 |
President Stein and Dr. Smith |
Persons, Education, |
President Dale Stein with Dr. Raymond L. Smith. [President Dale Stein (left) shares a light moment with his predecessor, Dr. Raymond L. Smith. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 169)]
Scanned: January 16, 2009 |
Drilling |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress, Miners, Copper Miners |
Drilling in a Copper Mine [An artistic rendering of underground work in a copper mine (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 17)]
Scanned: January 17, 2008 |