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Lake Fanny Hooe and Fort Wilkins

Water, Lakes, Parks, Woody Plants, Trees Overlooking Lake Fanny Hooe and Showing Old Fort Wilkins, Copper Harbor.

Scanned: June 16, 2009

Eagle Harbor

Water, Lakes, Harbors, Docks, Woody Plants, Trees Scenes from the Eagle Harbor light house. [A row boat is tied to what appears to be a newly constructed dock.]

Scanned: June 16, 2009

Eagle Harbor

Water, Lakes, Persons, Scenes from the Eagle Harbor light house. [A man and a child take in the view from one of the rock formations near the light house.]

Scanned: June 16, 2009

Deserted Village

Human Settlements, Buildings, Deserted Village [View of a deserted community of an unknown location maybe the Cliff area?]

Scanned: June 16, 2009

Old Cliff Mine

Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Buildings, Human Settlements Old Cliff Mine [View of some of the buildings and mining structures at the Cliff Mine.]

Scanned: June 16, 2009

Red Jacket Shaft Engine

Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Buildings, New Engine for the Red Jacket Shaft, Calumet and Hecla Mining Co. [View of the sparkling new piece of machinery.]

Scanned: June 16, 2009

Cliffs Between Calumet and Copper Harbor

Woody Plants, Trees, Buildings, Dwellings, View showing cliffs between Calumet and Copper Harbor [Photo of a house nestled in the trees below the cliffs.]

Scanned: June 22, 2009

Rail Yards - Houghton

Woody Plants, Trees, Water, Lakes, Transportation, Railroads Scene on the Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic Rail Yard near Houghton. [View of rail yard near the lake.]

Scanned: June 23, 2009

Shelden Street - Houghton

Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Stores, Retail, Persons Shelden Street Houghton [View of the dirt avenue with several businesses mostly on one side of the street. There is a Western Union office, a bath house, a cigar store and a drug store.]

Scanned: June 22, 2009

L'Anse Bay

Water, Woody Plants, Trees, View overlooking L'Anse Bay on Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic RY. [View showing the calm waters of the bay.]

Scanned: June 22, 2009