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Fraternities - Tau Kappa Epsilon

Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Societies, Buildings, Dwellings [Members of the fraternity pose for a photo on the roof of their fraternity house. See comment section for further information.]

Scanned: February 19, 2008

Special Interest Groups: Afro-American Society

Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Ethnology, Ethnic Groups, Minorities, Special Intrest Group group photo for the Afro-American Society.The Afro American Society's major purpose is to instill in black students a certain racial pride while at the same time promoting better relations with all students. The group is active in many beneficial on and off campus projects. Students shown in the photo- Row One: Seth Boone, Billy Walker, Jerry Muff, Renald Paul; Row Two:Cynthia Edmonds, Jack Fray, Brenda Jones; Row Three: James Parker, Willie Edmonds, Errol Baker, W. Larry Scott.]

Scanned: January 23, 2012

MTU Football Players

Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Ball Games, Football, Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Persons [The team and coaches pose for a photo on the bleachers.]

Scanned: October 15, 2007

MTU Kappa Sigma Iota

Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Persons, Societies Kappa Sigma Iota - Seated, Left to Right: Steven Cowen, Comptroller, Union National Bank, Marquette; Sandra Villa, Secretary; Keith Karsama, Treasurer; Donald Massoglia, President; Michael Meeuwsen, Vice President; Lizabeth Rometti, Program Chairman; Sam B. Tidwell, Advisor. Standing, Left to Right; Michael Martin, David Seymour, David Antioho, Linda Schmidtman, David Palluconi, Judith Moilanen, John Beaudrie, Susan Kauppila, Johathon Luse, Deborah Carpenter, Stephen Harrison, Cynthia Singleton, George Freeman, Jr., Mary Lowney, Marvin Beyer, Creston Carlson, Del Fougner, Marilyn L'Huillier, Randy Burt, Brent Hayduk, Roy Trousdell.

Scanned: September 30, 2009

MTU School of Business and Engineering Administration

Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Persons, The School of Business - Front, (L-R): Robert Stack, Anil Jambekar, William Cron, Larry Remington, William Barstow, Peter Biesiot, Paul Nelson, Edward Grant. Middle. (L-R): Alan Brokaw, George Philip, James Boyce, Richard Chandler, Richard Callen, George Pintar. Back. (L-R): Jack Taylor, Henrik Juel, James Gale, George Butler, Paresh Chari, Sam Tidwell, Carmen DelliQuadri, Kenneth Alexander.

Scanned: September 30, 2009

MTU Phi Gamma Nu

Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Persons, Societies Phi Gamma Nu - Front Row (L to R): Julie Fowler, Karen Pagel, Sandy Koopman, Kathy Gladstone, Kim Spindler, Debi Champion, Marth Kresnak, Cindy Plumstead, Ja Van Wagner, Cindy Codere. Second Row: Diana Lake, Dr. Kuipers (Advisor), Kathy Pagel, Joy Wickstrand, Suzi Eliason, Alice Barker, Dr. Nelson (Advisor), Anne Kendall, Terri Richart, Pam Bateman, Liz Crouch, Sue Kitti, Kathy Kryola, Betty Rimpela.

Scanned: September 30, 2009

MTU Alpha Kappa Psi

Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Persons, Societies Alpha Kappa Psi - Front Row (L to R): Steve Sliver, Charlie Markhum, Steve Schroeder. Second Row (L to R): Chris Fluke, Patti Hafeman, Pete Bauman (Advisor), Kim Lishinski, Carl Barash, Leo Porkka. Third Row (L to R): Glenn Rossow, Jim Pekkala, Bob Hurley, Jeff Marks, Tom Roberts, Jeff Drogelo. Fourth Row (L to R): Bruce Reed, Greg Harris, Scott Schnau.

Scanned: October 5, 2009

MTU School of Business and Engineering Administration

Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Persons, School of Business and Engineering Administration - Seated (L to R): Paul Nelson, Kenneth Alexander, Betty C. Heian, Anil B. Jambekar, Terry D. Monson, Thomas R. Thomas. Standing (L to R); Sam B. Tidwell, William E. Barstow, James Be. Heian, Thomas E. Merz, George C. Philip, David M. Lyth, G. R. Butler, J. T. Herreman, R. W. Callen, B. Beal, James Boyce.

Scanned: October 5, 2009

MTU Marketing Club

Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Persons, Societies Marketing Club - First Row: Klaus Czeranna, Gul Goksel, Jeff Kuisti, Kathy Quigley, Marie Weiss, Jeannie Snyder, Loretta Shea, Roy Rearick. Second Row: Laura Azzam, Janet Baikie, Joyce Toravnikar, Therese Pozza, Deb Waizecha, Mike Frasier, Renee Greenley. Third Row: John Barry, Scott Hartz, John Greenham, Marty Follis, Fred Sirota, Con Ahearn, Tony Bourdow, Chris Owens, Howard Greenley, Paul Stinson, Rob Flasta.

Scanned: October 5, 2009

MTU Kappa Sigma Iota

Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Persons, Societies FIRST ROW: Dr. Kenneth Janson, Tony Kryfka, Jan Papworth, Karen Tikkanen, Patty Phillips, Dave Murtonen. SECOND ROW: Kelly Lamie, Sara Pieti, Michele DePra, Sherri Harju, Ann Keipprandt. THIRD ROW: Kim Grose, Mike Dishaw, Jean Martin, Mike Bell, Cynthia Dusterhoft, Cynthia Horton, John Jason. FOURTH ROW: Mike Macfarlane, Ray McLellan, Jeff Bell, Clay Abrahamson, Ron Kinne.

Scanned: October 5, 2009