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MTU Engineering Administration

Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Persons, Engineering Administration Department [George R. Butler; Peter N. Jansen; Robert J. McCormick; Bernard H. Pitzel; John F. Pohlman].

Scanned: September 30, 2009

Felix O'Deh

Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, , Felix O'Deh a Senior Majoring in Chemistry in 1975; originally from Benin City, Nigera, W.A.

Scanned: January 25, 2012

MTU Accounting Club and Business Ad Club

Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Persons, Societies Accounting Club - Row 1: S. Tidwell, B. Ponga, M. Stein, J. Christophersen. G. Baroni. Row 2: W. Atwood, E. Larche, R. Glanville, G. Turnquist, W. McCauley, J. Feira. Business Ad Club - Row 1: A. LaHaye, D. Hostrop, J. Masini, M. Verville, J. Kirkeszner. Row 2: G. Hall, E. Kuhary, L. LaHaye, D. Wilson, B. Farrant. Row 3: T. Smith, J. Reckoela, P. Kaine, D. Becher, J. Davison, R. Bentley.

Scanned: September 29, 2009

MTU Accounting Club

Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Persons, Accounting Club - Row 1: J. Richard, Faculty Advisor; R. Glanville, Secretary; E. Larche, President; B. Ponga, Vice President; M. Stern, Treasurer; S. Tidwell, Faculty Advisor. Row 2: L. Hempton, R. Chynoweth, C. Pellegrine, L. Doney, F. Rustello, N. Verville. Row 3: D. Rivard, R. Hrdlovich, S. Bernard, G. Somnita, H. Makens, D. Johnson.

Scanned: September 29, 2009

MTU Engineering Administration

Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Persons, Engineering Administration - Row 1: Trevor Bain, Sam B. Tidwell, T.N. Smith, Dept. Head:, Kenneth E. Schnelle. Row 2: Joseph A. Romig, Thomas J. Babb, John C. Richard, A. I. Fiks.

Scanned: September 29, 2009

MTU Accounting Club

Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Persons, Societies The Accounting Club, organized in 1955, supplements the class work of accounting students with practical observations and experience. Pictured, left to right: seated: Lloyd Doney - treasurer, George Turnquist - secretary, Richard Glanville - president, Don Johnson - vice president, Hugh Makens - reporter. Row 2: Robert Chynoweth, Carl Niska, Laurence Hempton, George Somnitz, Samuel Bernard, Richard Payne, James Schram.

Scanned: September 29, 2009

MTU Business and Engineering Administration

Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Persons, Pictured left to right, seated: Carmen DelliQuadri, Thomas Smith - department head, Joseph Romig. Row 2: Alfred Fiks, Sam Tidwell, Kenneth Schnelle, Lawrence Remington, Thomas Babb and Paul Eaton. Business and Engineering Administration Department offices were located in Denton House.

Scanned: September 29, 2009

MTU Accounting Club and Society for the Advancement of Management

Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Persons, Societies Accounting Club promotes accounting and supplements class work with practical applications observed during field trips to well-known accounting firms. The Society for the Advancement of Management (SAM) creates an effective medium for the exchange of information on the problems confronting students preparing to go into business. [Please see comment section for a list of members of each group.]

Scanned: September 30, 2009

Sports - Football

Persons, Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Ball Games, Football, [The coach and players pose for a group photo]

Scanned: October 14, 2008

MTU Football Players

Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Ball Games, Football, Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Persons Football 1962 [The players and coaches pose for a team photo.]

Scanned: October 15, 2007