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Transportation - Airplanes

Transportation, Air Travel, Persons, Water, Lakes From boat to seaplane to land plane that is the experience these Isle Royale tourists enjoyed recently as they arrived at the Air Port Sands in Houghton. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Asher and friend and William Leithold, pilot of the land plane stop to chat as Robert Ruch, pilot of the seaplane, prepares for a return to Isle Royale. [The two planes and their passengers are pictured at the sands. See comment section for further information.]

Scanned: October 30, 2007

Buildings - Camps

Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress, Persons, Food Service Mrs. Anton Maki (left) and Mrs. Eino Heinonen of Kenton are shown as they were preparing a supper for a hundred campers at the annual Houghton-Keweenaw, Baraga, Ontonagon County 4-H camp. Mrs. Maki and Mrs. Heinonen prepared meals for 185 campers during the 7-day camping program. They have done this since the series of camps began eight years ago. [The two women begin preparation in the rustic kitchen for feeding numerous people.]

Scanned: October 30, 2007

Parks - Isle Royale

Buildings, Protected Areas, National Parks and Reserves, Water, Lakes Authority for enlargement of the administrative headquarters site in Houghton for Isle Royale National Park was approved by the House and sent to the senate yesterday. It authorizes the secretary of the Interior to acquire by purchase or donation the three-acre Carroll Estate in Houghton which fronts Portage Lake. John B. Bennett, 12 District Congressman has wired the Gazette that the bill now goes to the senate for consideration. In the photo the Carroll property is outlined. The present headquarters of the park and many familiar landmarks, such as Dee Stadium can be seen in relation to the old Carroll foundry site. [Aerial view of the proposed park headquarters.]

Scanned: October 30, 2007

Bridges - Mackinac

Transportation, Automotive, Persons, Queen Judy Manderfield, left, officially represented Houghton County at the Mackinaw Straits Bridge Dedication Festival. [Judy rides in the convertable automobile driven by Ed Haas. Please see comments section for further details.]

Scanned: October 30, 2007

Trophies - George Gipp

Sports Personnel, Athletes, Education, [Engraved trophy states: "The George Gipp All-Amerian Trophy - Famed fields that echoed hostile shouts left him undaunted, he had heard Superiors voice rise higher than the storm. Grim foemen answering thrust with thrust inspired him onward, he had seen imprisoned treasure wrested from the rock. Cold weariness clutching at the heart found him prepared, in his home land, green banners mock the north winds icy blast. Swift flowing time that humbles men can not touch deeds, the record stands to tempt brave feet to climb the lonely heights." See comments section for rest of inscription.]

Scanned: October 30, 2007

Catholic Cemetery - Hancock

Burials, Cemeteries, Manpower, Labor, Woody Plants, Trees [Photo shows 4 workers with a tractor and gardening tools}

Scanned: March 8, 2006

Catholic Cemetery - Hancock

Burials, Cemeteries, Manpower, Labor, Woody Plants, Trees [Photo shows two workers pruning trees']

Scanned: March 8, 2006

Hecla Cemetery

Burials, Cemeteries, Manpower, Labor, [Men doing clean up of Hecla Cemetery in Laurium]

Scanned: March 8, 2006

Clubs - Kiwanis

Societies, Persons, The Kiwanis Mantle - Here John W. Rice wears the symbol of a Kiwanis honorary member. It has just been placed over his head by Kiwanis President Sam B. Tidwell left, Escanaba Press Editor Jean Worth right, has just delivered the recognition address on behalf of the publisher's 100 year old Gazette. [Mr. Rice proudly wears his Kiwanis vest while the two other men look on.]

Scanned: November 1, 2007

Buildings - Schools

Buildings, Persons, Education Jacobsvilles little schoolhouse is now the property of the Community Club. The building will soon have indoor drinking water. This project is on the clubs "soon" list. There is a cold spring near the structure. The building houses all Jacobsvilles socials. [A sign above a rose trellis states: Jacobsville School 1931. A bicycle is laying on its side on the ground.]

Scanned: November 2, 2007