Copper Range Railroad |
Transportation, Railroads, Water, Lakes, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns |
Copper Range #58 switching at Houghton yard. [View of train switching tracks.]
Scanned: August 30, 2010 |

Schools -Isle Royale School |
Buildings, Education, Seasons, Winter |
Isle Royale School, closed February, 1921. [Exteior view of the building with boarded up windows.]
Scanned: February 26, 2010 |

Biography - Hub George |
Mass Media, Newspapers, Persons, |
Hub George demonstrates the famous sledgehammer blow which probably disabled more than one Detroit Free Press typewriter in the days he was a staffer. Hoping to glean a little political wisdom, a Gazette worker peered at Hubs copy, only to find the the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. Hub George, the states most astute political writer and a member of Sen. Charles Potters campaign staff stopped at the Gazette office this morning to recall his Copper Country news career. Mr. George received his baptism of printers ink in this area working for the old Calumet News and the Hancock Copper Journal, since consolidation with the Gazette. [Image of Mr. George working at the typewriter.]
Scanned: November 20, 2007 |

Wesley Foundation - MTU |
Persons, Buildings, |
Rev. Kenneth Callis, pastor of Houghtons Grace Methodist Church, presents a Michigan Methodist Church check for 2,000 to Prof. Carl S. Schjonberg, treasurer of Michigan Techs Wesley Foundation. [The two men exchange monies in front of the Wesley House. It appears that the porch of the house is being held up by temporary support beams.]
Scanned: November 16, 2007 |

Bridges - Portage Lake |
Persons, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress, Transportation, Bridges |
Miss Mary Lou Avery takes a traffic count at the north side of the Portage Lake bridge. She is working under the sponsorship of the Hancock Chamber of Commerce, and, with her helper, Miss Ethel Dover, counted 1,145 cars from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday. They represented 29 states and the province of Canada. This count will later be compared with the Michigan State Highway Deparmtent count through its meter tabulations. [A woman with a clipboard stands on the Hancock side of the bridge. The Shell gas station and Temple Jacob are visible.]
Scanned: November 6, 2007 |

Quincy Mine Location - Structures at No. 6 |
Buildings, Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Manpower, Labor, Skilled Labor |
View looking south of No. 6 shaft rockhouse while under construction, showing scaffolding and laborers. 1892.
Scanned: September 12, 2008 |

Cliff Bluff Cemetery |
Burials, Cemeteries, Woody Plants, Trees, |
Old Cemetery, Cliff Bluffs [Cemetery showing picket fence and some tombstones.]
Scanned: April 17, 2006 |

Quincy Hill |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, Company Towns, Buildings |
Snow on Quincy Hill [Photo taken from Houghton across the frozen lake with Quincy smelter and mine shafts.]
Scanned: October 16, 2007 |

Potatoes, Otto Sibilsky yard |
Buildings, Agriculture, |
Potatoes, Otto Sibilsky yard [Photo shows the potato plants with houses in background.]
Scanned: April 16, 2007 |

Apophllites |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Rock Excavation, |
Apophllites Copper colored Powellite [Image of rock specimens. A sign on one of the specimens indicates it is from the N. Tamarack Mine]
Scanned: September 27, 2007 |