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No. 3 Shaft House

Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Buildings, Looking from Osceola towards C&H - No. 3 Shaft House [Several buildings in foreground of a photo of the Calumet & Hecla #3 Shaft House]

Scanned: October 18, 2007

Tamarack Residence

Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress, Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, Seasons, Winter Tamarack house. [Image of a beautiful, large home in winter. A young man stands by the fence. A woman and little girl are coming out of the house. There are no icicles on the roof.]

Scanned: March 2, 2010

C & H Waterworks Pump

Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress, Persons, Power-Plants C & H Waterworks Pump (woman watching the pump). [A strange photo of a woman sitting in a chair staring at the pump. A dog is sitting on the floor next to her. Three children are standing on the stairs.]

Scanned: March 2, 2010

Old Cliff Church

Buildings, Church Buildings, , Interior Old Cliff Church - Old Engine [A view of the deteriorating church. The church pews are still intact.]

Scanned: October 2, 2007

Eagle Harbor School House

Buildings, Education, Human Settlements Old School House at Eagle Harbor [Photo of a tiny, very run down one room school house.]

Scanned: March 2, 2010

Old Central Church

Buildings, Church Buildings, , Old Central Church [Interior view of the simple church. The ceiling is suffering. A welcome banner is placed above the organ. Chandeliers hang from the ceiling. ]

Scanned: March 2, 2010

Delaware Catholic Church

Buildings, Church Buildings, , Delaware Catholic Church [Exterior view of the boarded up building.]

Scanned: March 3, 2010

Delaware Sawmill

Manufacturing Process, Mills and Millwork, Saw Mills, , Delaware Sawmill [Image of the remains of the sawmill.]

Scanned: March 3, 2010

Stamp Mill at Delaware

Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Buildings, Historic Sites, Historic Mines Stamp Mill at Delaware [A photo of a crumbling stone building and its machinery. The remains of a steam engine and line shafting are visible.]

Scanned: August 22, 2006

Old Wooden Kibble - Delaware

Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Buildings, Old Wooden Kibble- Delaware [A great photo of the Delaware mine with 2 water buckets in the foreground and 2 shafthouses in the background.]

Scanned: August 23, 2006