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Beacon Hill

Recreation Area, Persons, Woody Plants, Trees Beacon Hill [Photo of ladies dressed in their finest standing on a wooden look-out built around a tree. Several other people standing and sitting on the hill. A building is located on top of the hill.]

Scanned: May 19, 2006

Charcoal Kiln

Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Industries, Transportation Charcoal Kiln [Abandoned beehive charcoal kiln. Man with horse-drawn vehicle is visible in background.]

Scanned: May 12, 2006

Railroads - Copper Range

Railroad Companies, Transportation, Railroads, Railroads, Cars Copper Range Passenger Train [Photo of the train with the engineer looking out of the window of the engine. A conductor stands at one of the cars.]

Scanned: May 19, 2006

Hotels - Calumet Hotel

Industries, Service Industries, Hospitality Industry, Hotels, Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Calumet Hotel [The hotel surrounded by a picket fence. Two boys stand near a telephone pole. Good architectural detail of building.]

Scanned: May 19, 2006

5th St. Red Jacket Parade

Manners and Customs, Festivals, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress 5th St. Red Jacket Parade [A photo of men dressed in military-style uniforms parading in the street. A large crowd has gathered to watch them and a banner across the street says "Welcome I.O.O.F.".]

Scanned: December 16, 2005

Schools - Country School

Education, Buildings, Persons Country School [The teacher with her large group of students pose by the wooden schoolhouse.]

Scanned: May 19, 2006

Railroads - Street Cars - Trestle

Transportation, Railroads, Street, Railroads, Transportation, Roads, Street Car Trestle [Photo of what appears to be a wooden trestle.]

Scanned: May 19, 2006

Docks - Marquette

Harbors, Docks, Water, Ships R. R. Mds. docks, Marquette [Two boats are moored to the dock. Several wooden barrels sit next to the railroad tracks.]

Scanned: May 19, 2006


Manners and Customs, Recreation, Manners and Customs, Clothing and Dress, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns Calumet Miners Parade [Group of men dressed in their best. Several people on bicycles and horse and buggies lead the way. Massive piles of logs can be seen in the background.]

Scanned: May 19, 2006

C&H Miners' Parade

Miners, Copper Miners, Manners and Customs, Festivals, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns C&H Miners' Parade [A photo of men parading in the street while a crowd looks on. Piles of cables and timber appear on the left side of the image. The town can be seen in the background.]

Scanned: December 16, 2005