Education - Professors |
Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Persons, |
D. E. Dawson of the Mathematics Department [Image of Dr. Dawson taken from the 1979 edition of the Keweenawan]
Scanned: September 18, 2007 |

Winter Carnival Queen Candidates |
Seasons, Winter, Manners and Customs, Festivals, Contests, Beauty Contests |
[Winter Carnival Queen candidates of the 1971 Michigan Technological University Winter Carnival. The girls (including: Marcia Albrecht, Mary Johnson, Patti Hellew, Phyllis Ann Lylie, Karla Strobel, Judith Kemp, Kristine Johnson, Pamela Putrin and winter carnival queen, Donnie Croom.]
Scanned: January 23, 2012 |

"Michigan Tech Alumnus" |
Food Service, , |
[Cover page of the October 1993 edition of the Michigan Tech Alumnus Magazine, featureing "We Need Your Help" on pg. 9 and "Take a Field Trip" on pg. 14]
Scanned: January 11, 2012 |

Old Style Country Dwelling |
Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, , |
Old style country dwelling is typical in its lack of architectural ornamentation reflecting the plain tastes and habits of early New England settlers. [Drawing of two story side gabled house as shown in Century of Color Exterior Decoration for American Buildings 1820-1920 by Roger Moss]
Scanned: February 28, 2006 |

Illustrations of the Florida Reefs |
Persons, , |
Udotea Flabellata and Halimeda Tridens. [Taken from "Three Cruises of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survery Steamer Blake in the Gulf of Mexico, in the Caribbean Sea, and along the Atlantic Coast of the United States, from 1877 to 1880 by Alexander Agassiz]
Scanned: June 18, 2010 |

Sea Urchin |
Persons, , |
Figure 131 Toxopneustes from above, with all the appendages expanded; natural size. [Scanned from the book Seaside Studies Natural History by Elizabeth Cabot Agassiz and Alexander Agassiz. Marine Animals of Massachusetts Bay.]
Scanned: June 18, 2010 |

Star Fish |
Persons, , |
Figure 142 Star Fish; natural size, seen from above. [Scanned from the book Seaside Studies Natural History by Elizabeth Cabot Agassiz and Alexander Agassiz. Marine Animals of Massachusetts Bay.]
Scanned: June 18, 2010 |

Biography - J. Parke Channing |
Persons, Metal Trade, |
[Head and shoulders image of J. Parke Channing. See comment section for further information.]
Scanned: November 30, 2009 |

White Pine Townsite |
Geography, Maps, Human Settlements, |
White Pine's Townsite is laid out as shown. Now almost completely overgrown with brush, this area will become a modern comfortable living center for at least 2,500 people. Note shopping center, schools, churches. [Map of the proposed town of White Pine.]
Scanned: March 19, 2009 |

White Pine Mine Development |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, , |
Mine development will be based on modified room-and-pillar method. Note how pillar area decreases away from central entry and crusher stations. [Image of a chart showing the crusher station, ventilation shaft and the conveyor belt drift.]
Scanned: March 10, 2009 |