Pets |
Buildings, , |
[A dog decides to take a rest on an available porch swing.]
Scanned: March 9, 2010 |

Cliff Mine Church |
Buildings, Church Buildings, , |
Cliff Mine Stove [Interior view of building showing a stove used for heating.]
Scanned: March 9, 2010 |

Cook's Camp |
Manners and Customs, Persons, Buildings |
Interior Bob Halls Camp - Cooks Camp. [One of the cooks is pictured working in the well equipped kitchen. Several pitchers hang from the ceiling. A large stack of wood for the stove can be seen in the corner . Several steaming pots are on the stove. A clock and boxes of supplies are on shelves.]
Scanned: March 15, 2010 |

Buildings - Residences |
Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, , |
Interior of Reeder home. [View of a room with several pieces of art work on the wall. A bear skin rug covers the floor between two seating areas. A kettle for humidity rests on top of a cast iron radiator. At the end of the hall is a telephone table with chair.]
Scanned: March 15, 2010 |

Buildings - Residences |
Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, , |
iInterior of Reeder home. [View of a room with a fireplace and large mirror above it. Fireplace contains what may be a coal burning stove. Two uncomfortable chairs rest on each side of the fireplace. Thick curtains hang in the doorways to keep out the draft. A piano is to the left of the photo. The room next to this one appears to be a library perhaps.]
Scanned: March 15, 2010 |

Buildings - Residences |
Buildings, Dwellings, Housing, Single Family, Seasons, |
Interior of a room with a Christmas Tree. [The sparsely decorated tree is displayed near two windows. The room's wall and even the ceiling seem to be wall papered. A plant sits on a stand near the tree.]
Scanned: March 15, 2010 |

C & H Engine South Hecla |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Persons, |
C & H Engine South Hecla [A worker poses next to a massive wheel. All of the machinery is shiny and spotless.]
Scanned: March 16, 2010 |

James McNaughton's Office |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Buildings, |
Interior of James McNaughton's office. [View of office showing a fireplace with a large copper specimen in front. Two sconces holding candles are on each side of the fireplace along with two leather chairs. Several framed photographs hang on the walls. The ceiling is very ornate. A large tapestry rug is on the floor.]
Scanned: March 16, 2010 |

Interior James MacNaughton's office |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Buildings, |
Interior James MacNaughtons office [MacNaughtons desk and table are pictured. Electric lights are on the wall and a phone is on his desk. He had numerous photos on the wall and several copper specimens on his desk.]
Scanned: August 22, 2007 |

Michigan Smelter |
Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Manpower, Labor, Buildings |
Interior Michigan Smelter [Interior view of the smelter with several men posing for the camera. Various pieces of equipment and machinery are shown.]
Scanned: July 13, 2009 |