MTU - Sports and Rec - Volleyball |
Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Ball Games, Sports Personnel, Athletes, Persons |
1977-78 Volleyball. [MTU volleyball player spikes the ball over the net. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 219)]
Scanned: April 16, 2009 |

MTU - Sports and Rec - Basketball - Women's |
Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Ball Games, Baseball, Sports Personnel, Athletes, Persons |
1975-76 Basketball. [MTU basketball player jumps for a lay-up shot. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 219)]
Scanned: April 21, 2009 |

Wadsworth |
Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Persons, |
Marshman E. Wadsworth [An artist's sketch of Marshman E. Wadsworth (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 22)]
Scanned: January 31, 2008 |

MTU - Sports and Rec - Hockey |
Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Winter Sports, Hockey, Sports Personnel, Persons |
John MacInnes, Michigan Tech hockey coach for over 25 years. [Portrait of John J. MacInnes. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 220)]
Scanned: April 29, 2009 |

MTU - Sports and Rec |
Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Sports Personnel, Persons |
Cheryl A. DePuydt, first coach of women's sports at Michigan Tech; volleyball and basketball. [Portrait of Cheryl A. DePuydt. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 221)]
Scanned: April 29, 2009 |

MTU - Sports and Rec |
Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Sports Personnel, Persons |
Richard E. ElRite, director of intramural athletics program. [Portrait of Richard E. ElRite. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 221)]
Scanned: April 29, 2009 |

MTU - Sports and Rec- Intramural |
Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Sports Personnel, Persons |
[Intramural volleyball at MTU. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 222)]
Scanned: April 29, 2009 |

MTU - Sports and Rec- Intramural |
Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Sports Personnel, Persons |
Kappa Delta 3rd consecutive intramural champions. KD's and XYZ's in Basketball ball game. The XYZ's, a new independent "pick up" organization, finished second in the race. [Intramural basketball jump ball. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 222)]
Scanned: April 29, 2009 |

MTU - Sports and Rec- Intramural |
Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Sports Personnel, Persons |
[A student playing intramural ping pong. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 222)]
Scanned: April 29, 2009 |

MTU - Sports and Rec- Intramural |
Manners and Customs, Recreation, Sports, Sports Personnel, Persons |
[MTU students before an intramural activity. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 222)]
Scanned: April 29, 2009 |