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Calumet and Hecla Machine Shop

Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Buildings, [Calumet and Hecla Mining Company Machine Shop12.5

Scanned: June 13, 2013

Calumet View

Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Buildings, View of S. of Mine works from Superior stack. [A view along the Calumet and Hecla mine in Calumet. Several shaft houses, smokestacks and other industrial building can be seen. The town is in the background.]

Scanned: October 11, 2005

Calumet and Hecla Safety Sign

Natural Resources, Mines and Mineral Resources, Copper Mines and Mining, Manners and Customs, Miners, Copper Miners Calumet & Hecla and Subsidiaries Safety Firse information board. [Image shows a sign that provides information on Calumet and Hecla's safety regulations.]

Scanned: June 13, 2013

Calumet High School

Buildings, Education, Historic Sites, Historic Districts [Photo of Calumet High School taken from the corner of its respective block]

Scanned: June 13, 2013

Red Jacket Shaft

Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Buildings, Surface plant. Red Jacket Shaft. Note: Almost identical to neg. #02386 which is a better neg. [A view of the Red Jacket Shaft Complex at the C&H mine. The shaft house, pulley stands, hoist house and other building can be seen. Smoke is coming from the adjacent smokestack.]

Scanned: October 11, 2005

Cities and Towns - Swedetown

Buildings, Dwellings, Human Settlements, Cities and Towns, Transportation, Roads Miners Dwellings on Swedetown Hill. Water tower in background, log houses. [Log cabins line each side of the dirt road. A tree is planted in between each one. Telephone poles are also visible.]

Scanned: June 10, 2008

Isle Royale - interior

Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Manpower, Labor, Unskilled Labor, Isle Royale - interior C&H print #256 [An interior photo of a rockhouse floor. 5 men are working to process the rock. Many tools, rocks and a rock crusher are visible.]

Scanned: October 10, 2005

Ahmeek Mill

Natural Resources, Mines and Mineral Resources, Copper Mines and Mining, Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Ahmeek Mill - Interior. [Image shows the machinery used in the Ahmeek stamp mill for copper processing.]

Scanned: July 3, 2013

Ahmeek Mill

Natural Resources, Mines and Mineral Resources, Copper Mines and Mining, Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Ahmeek Mill Exterior. [View of trestles leading into an upper level of the Ahmeek Mill. Torch Lake can be seen in the back ground.]

Scanned: July 3, 2013

Calumet and Hecla Machine Shop

Buildings, Metal Trade, Copper Industry and Trade, Copper Mines and Mining, Manufacturing Process Calumet and Hecla Machine Shop. [Image looks down at the main floor of a C&H machine shop from an upper level.]

Scanned: July 2, 2013