Title: Buildings - Stores -Houghton
Photographer: Unknown
Subject Headings: Buildings - Commercial Buildings - Stores, Retail, Persons, Manners and Customs - Clothing and Dress
Condition: Good
Description: Edward DesRochers Drug Store. Edward and William DesRochers, Harvey Cernolliso (?) Site of store now occupied by The M. Van Orden Co. [One of the men stands near a display case of Cuban cigars. Two jars on top of the case appear to contain doughnuts and perhaps cookies. The shelves are lined with containers and glass bottles.]
Source of Description: Back of photo [cataloger]
Institution: Michigan Technological University Archives and Copper Country Historical Collections
Donor: Marie Anderson
Date of Photo: 1900
Medium: still image
Color: black and white
Size: 20.6 cm x 25.2 cm
Polarity: Positive
Image No: No Neg 2008-02-19-05
Collection Name: Copper Country Vertical File Photograph Collection
Terms of Use: Rights to reproduce and distribute this image may be restricted. Contact the Michigan Technological University Archives and Copper Country Historical Collections for further information.
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