Title: Businesses - Gately's Furniture
Photographer: Gazette Photo
Subject Headings: Buildings - Dwellings - Housing, Single Family, Accidents, Transportation - Automotive
Condition: Good
Description: Gatelys Furniture Companys truck driver, Fred Jaopperi presumed he had his big truck well anchored as he unloaded household appliances near the Nathaniel Mitchell home on Saw Street, Lake Linden this morning. But, upon parking his big vehicle on the hill with the brakes set, he didnt figure on the power of the sun which apparently melted the snow and started the conveyance on its descent into the front of the Mitchell home. Fortunately only the front portion of the porch was damaged and the vehicle was unscratched. Houghton County Sheriffs Deputy, John Gasperich, Dodgeville, is seen investigating the accident. [Image of the truck after hitting the porch. Ironically, a sign on the truck door states "We furnish the home."]
Source of Description: Daily Mining Gazette Article [Cataloger]
Institution: Michigan Technological University Archives and Copper Country Historical Collections
Donor: Bob Skuggen
Date of Photo: December 4 1954
Medium: still image
Color: black and white
Size: 11.3 cm x 15.2 cm
Polarity: Positive
Image No: MS051-005-003-002
Collection Name: Daily Mining Gazette Photograph Collection
Terms of Use: Rights to reproduce and distribute this image may be restricted. Contact the Michigan Technological University Archives and Copper Country Historical Collections for further information.
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11/8/2014 8:49:31 PM by Anonymous