Cities & Towns - Calumet

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User Comments:
• There is a panoramic sequence of five images which were taken from Swedetown – probably from the top of the water tower. The images from left to right are MTU Neg 00099, MTU Neg 00102, MTU Neg 00264, MTU Neg 00606, MTU Neg 00098. There is also an additional image, MS042-040-T-252, which is similar to the central image (MTU Neg 00264), but does not appear to be from that same day. There are also two photos, No Neg 2008-03-06-09 and MTU Neg 02483, which also appear to be taken from the Swedetown water tower but only show Calumet in the distance (and do not capture any significant part of Swedetown in the foreground).
10/14/2008 3:48:33 PM by Erik Nordberg, MTU Archivist
• This is Swedetown
10/4/2007 9:08:04 PM by yooper557
• Appears to be a continuation of MTU Neg 00098
3/6/2008 4:06:19 PM by Anonymous