Lake Linden

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User Comments:
• This photo is actually quite remarkable as it shows perfectly the state of Torch Lake in the 1950's and 60's. First in the line of mills is the C&H Reclamation plant, consisting of (from left to right) #2 Regrinding plant, the Flotation plant, and the Leaching plant. The foundations of #1 Regrinding plant lie just south of the complex. Next comes the Calumet mill and the abandoned remains of the Hecla mill next south. Then comes the boiler house with its signature 2 stacks. Of the massive C&H coal shed that once stood on the shore only one crane remains, and traveling just south of this location one will reach the C&H smelter. Beyond that (lying perpendicular to the shore) is the Ahmeek mill, and only a tiny bit further is the Tamarack Recamation plant. Everything beyond that has been abandoned with the exception of the Quincy Reclamation plant, which lies at the southernmost end of the Lake.
2/10/2010 10:36:46 AM by Anonymous