Title: Streetcar Stations - Albion
Photographer: Unknown
Subject Headings: Transportation - Railroads - Street - Railroads, Persons, Buildings - Transportation Buildings
Condition: Good
Description: The picture taken at the Albion Station some years ago will never be repeated. The track on left leads to Kearsarge-Wolverine and ultimate ends in Mohawk and the track on right to Laurium and Lake Linden-Hubbell. The station, one of several still in the area, is operated as a grocery by Mr. and Mrs. John Hrovatich. It was first operated by August Buralli, a Mr. Michellini, John Perenccio and Robert Robinson. The school in the background is the Albion, destroyed by fire in the winter in 1920's. [Three streetcar employees stand next to a car that bears a Calumet destination sign.]
Source of Description: Daily Mining Gazette Article - September 27, 1963 Edition [Cataloger]
Institution: Michigan Technological University Archives and Copper Country Historical Collections
Donor: Robert Skuggen
Date of Photo: September 27 1963
Medium: still image
Color: black and white
Size: 9.3 cm x 14.2 cm
Polarity: Positive
Image No: MS051-020-007-003
Collection Name: Daily Mining Gazette Photograph Collection
Terms of Use: Rights to reproduce and distribute this image may be restricted. Contact the Michigan Technological University Archives and Copper Country Historical Collections for further information.
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4/6/2009 12:04:31 PM by Anonymous
9/27/2011 10:56:30 PM by Anonymous