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J.H. Forster

Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Persons, John H. Forster [Member of The Board of Control from 1885-1886 (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 25)]

Scanned: January 31, 2008

Alfred Kidder

Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Persons, Alfred Kidder [Member of The Board of Control from 1885-1890 (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 25)]

Scanned: January 31, 2008

Frank G. Woodruff

Persons, Education, Frank G. Woodruff. [Honorary Degree Recipient. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 250)]

Scanned: June 17, 2009

James G. Vorhes, Jr.

Persons, Education, James G. Vorhes, Jr. [Honorary Degree Recipient. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 250)]

Scanned: June 17, 2009

Elmo Zumwalt

Persons, Education, Elmo Zumwalt. [Honorary Degree Recipient. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 250)]

Scanned: June 17, 2009

Alice Hennessey

Persons, Education, Alice Hennessey. [Honorary Degree Recipient. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 250)]

Scanned: June 17, 2009

Harold S. Jensen

Persons, Education, Harold S. Jensen. [Honorary Degree Recipient. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 250)]

Scanned: June 17, 2009

Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Persons, Education, Daniel Patrick Moynihan. [Honorary Degree Recipient. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 250)]

Scanned: June 23, 2009

William Kelly

Persons, Education, Kelly, William. Board of Control. [Honorary Degree Recipient, 1930. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 250)]

Scanned: June 12, 2009

James MacNaughton

Persons, Education, James MacNaughton. [Honorary Degree Recipient, 1930. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 250)]

Scanned: June 12, 2009