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John Warden

Persons, Education, John Warden. [Distinguished Service Award Recipient, 1967. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 249)]

Scanned: June 10, 2009

Henry Winkler

Persons, Education, Dr. Henry J. Winkler. [Distinguished Service Award Recipient, 1973. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 249)]

Scanned: June 10, 2009

Arthur J. Karam

Persons, Education, Arthur J. Karam. [Distinguished Alumnus Award Recipient. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 249)]

Scanned: June 5, 2009

Frank Woodruff

Persons, Education, Frank Woodruff. [Distinguished Alumnus Award Recipient. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 249)]

Scanned: June 5, 2009

Melvin Calvin

Persons, Education, Melvin Calvin. [Distinguished Service Award Recipient, 1981. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 249)]

Scanned: June 8, 2009

Martin Caserio

Persons, Education, Martin Caserio. [Distinguished Service Award Recipient, 1970. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 249)]

Scanned: June 8, 2009

Harry R. Cohodas

Persons, Education, Harry R. Cohodas. [Distinguished Service Award Recipient, 1966. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 249)]

Scanned: June 8, 2009

Earl Cress

Persons, Education, Earl Cress. [Distinguished Service Award Recipient, 1967. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 249)]

Scanned: June 8, 2009

William Doerfner

Persons, Education, William (Bud) Doerfner. [Distinguished Service Award Recipient, 1979. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 249)]

Scanned: June 8, 2009

Albert Williams, Jr.

Education, Postsecondary Education, Education, Higher, Persons, Albert Williams, Jr. [Principal of The Michigan Mining School for the 1886-1887 school year (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 25)]

Scanned: January 31, 2008