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Eleanor Fournier

Persons, Education, Eleanor Fournier. [Distinguished Service Award Recipient, 1974. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 249)]

Scanned: June 10, 2009

Herman Gundlach

Persons, Education, Herman Gundlach. [Distinguished Service Award Recipient, 1983. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 249)]

Scanned: June 10, 2009

Kenneth Hamar

Persons, Education, Kenneth Hamar. [Distinguished Service Award Recipient, 1977. Kenneth Hamar (right) with President Smith at commencement. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 249)]

Scanned: June 12, 2009

Jean Frances Haug C.S.J.

Persons, Education, Sister Jean Frances Haug. [Distinguished Service Award Recipient, 1973. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 249)]

Scanned: June 10, 2009

Russell Hoyer

Persons, Education, Russell Hoyer. [Distinguished Service Award Recipient, 1978. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 249)]

Scanned: June 10, 2009

William Nicholls

Persons, Education, Bill Nicholls. [Distinguished Service Award Recipient, 1971. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 249)]

Scanned: June 10, 2009

Bert Noblet

Persons, Education, Bert Noblet. [Distinguished Service Award Recipient, 1975. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 249)]

Scanned: June 10, 2009

Byron Reeve

Persons, Education, B. W. Reeve. [Distinguished Service Award Recipient, 1972. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 249)]

Scanned: June 10, 2009

John W. Rice

Persons, Education, John W. Rice. [Jack Rice, Distinguished Service Award Recipient, 1966. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 249)]

Scanned: June 10, 2009

Ernest Townsend

Persons, Education, E. J. Townsend. [Distinguished Service Award Recipient, 1969. (Michigan Tech Centennial Page 249)]

Scanned: June 10, 2009